Well I'm not gonna force you to read my blog, but if you should happen to stumble upon it, take the time to sift through it as it may prove to be of some relevance to you. God forbid, you may actually enjoy it and you would wish to click the button which would mean you were eternally my follower. There isn't really any sort of meaning or specific task that this blog sets out to fulfil, think of it as bohemian.

Tuesday 22 December 2009


I've been playing a lot of acoustic songs lately. I don't know what it is about them but they just make you feel so insignificant, as if there's always something bigger, something more important. For some reason though, it feels good to know that there's something bigger. Because you can aspire to be that bigger thing, to become what all those other people wish to be. It gives you a cause, a reason. And I love that.

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